Zing shtil
[Sing Softly]
by Wolf Younin (lyrics) and Sholom Secunda (music)
See: Mothers and Fathers
S'hot mir mayn tate nokh kindvayz gezogt, | My father told me when I was a child |
Gut iz tsu oyfshteyn baginen; | that it's good to rise at dawn, |
Un ver nor a harts un an oyer farmogt, | For whoever has a heart and an ear |
Der vet shoyn a nign gefinen. | can surely find a melody. |
Ref: Zing shtil, gor shtil, | Ref: Shing softly, very softly, |
Az keyner khutz undz zol nit hern; | So that no-one but us can hear; |
Un zol undz farvign der hartsiker nign | And may the lovely melody rock us |
Biz ayndrimlen veln di shtern. | Till the stars fall asleep. |
Ikh hob mayn tatn dem klugn gefolgt | I obeyed my clever father |
Un zayne verter banumen; | and followed his words; |
Ikh hob oyf di felder baym feygshn folk | In the fields among the birds |
Dem nign dem shenstn gefunen. | I found the most beautiful melody. |
Tifer in velder iz tifer der sod, | Deep in the woods is the deep secret |
Vos nor di shtilkeyt kon haltn; | That only the silence can hold. |
Kh'hob moyre tsu zogn - nor efsher hot got | I'm afraid to tell - perhaps God |
Dortn zayn nign bahaltn. | has hidden his melody there. |
Source: Mlotek, E. & J. Pearls of Yiddish Song, p.182.