Vayehi mikets

[And it was at the end]

Children's Hanukkah song - Two versions

See lecture: Sephardic Food

Vayehi mikets  "And it was at the end"
Piticas con miel  Little pitas with honey
Par'ó las hicía  Pharoah made them
Yosi se las comía  Yosi ate them
Hanukkah baíla tu tía  Your auntie danced on Hanukkah
Hanukkah baila tu baba  Your grandmother danced on Hanukkah

(David Benvenisti - The Jews of Saloniki, Kiriat Sefer, 1933)


Vayehi mikets "And it was at the end"
burmuelos con miel Burmuelos with honey
Par'ó los 'acía Pharao made them
Yosef se los comía Joseph ate them
Par'ó al canyo Pharao fell into the puddle
Yosef al banyo Joseph went to the bath
Par'ó al bet ha-hayim Pharao went to the cemetary
Yosef a los kidushin Joseph went to the wedding ceremony

(Yitschak Levy, Antología Liturgia Judeo-Española, Vol.4)