Unter dem kinds vigele

[Beneath the baby's cradle]

  Listen to the clip below 

1. Boys' lullaby
2. Girls' lullaby

[See lectures: Jewish Folklore? / Mothers and Fathers]


1. Unter dem kinds vigele Beneath the baby's cradle
Shteyt a klor-vays tsigele. Stands a white kid.
Dos tsigele iz geforn handlen, The kid has gone away to trade
Rozhinkes mit mandlen; In raisins and almonds.

Rozhinkes mit mandlen iz zeyer zis

Raisins and almonds are very sweet
Mayn kind vet zayn gezunt un frish. My child will be healthy and alert.
Gezunt iz di beste skhoyre, Health is the best of goods,
Mayn kind vet lernen toyre, My child will study Torah;
Toyre vet er lernen, Torah is what he'll study,
Sforim vet er shraybn, He will write holy books.
A guter un a frumer A good and a pious person
Vet er im yirtse hashem blaybn. will he stay, God willing.


2. Unter [Soreles] vigele Beneath [Sarahle]'s cradle
Shteyt a klor-vays tsigele. Stands a white kid.
Dos tsigele iz geforn handlen, The kid has gone away to trade
Rozhinkes mit mandlen. In raisins and almonds.
Vos iz di beste skhoyre, What is the best of goods?
[Soreles] khosn vet lernen toyre; [Sarahle]'s groom will learn Torah;
Toyre vet er lernen, Torah is what he'll learn,
Sforim vet er shraybn, He will write holy books,
A gute un a frume A good and pious person
Vet [Sorele] blaybn. Will [Sarahle] stay.


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