
Words and music: Joshua Waletzky

Shabes-koydesh, Holy Sabbath,
  vek in undz oyf a vintele,  stir in us a little wind,
Tsart un frishink zol dos vintl zayn,May the wind be tender and fresh,
Leshn dayges fun tog-oys, blow out everyday worries.
Oy, zing, neshome-yeseyre,Oh, sing, Second Soul,
Zing, neshome-yeseyre,Sing, Second Soul,
Zitsn mit, zingen mit,Sitting and singing with us are
Di vos shoyn af yener velt.those already in the Next World.
Gut shabes, kinder, lomir freylekh zayn!Good Sabbath, children, let us be glad!
Gut shabes, kinder, lomir freylekh zayn!Good Sabbath, children, let us be glad!
Shabes-likhtl,Sabbath candle,
  tsind in undz on a flemele  light in us a little flame,
Heys vi trern zol der fayer zayn,May the fire be as hot as tears,
Geler shtern in der nakht arayn.Yellow star into the night.
Oy, zing, neshome-yeseyre ...Oh, sing, Second Soul ...
Shabes-kale,Sabbath Bride,
  me shtelt far undz oyf a khupe.  they're setting up a wedding-canopy for us
Hoykh vi himl veln di shtangen zayn;The poles will be as high as heaven,
Zibn mol arum dem khosn dayn.Seven times you will circle your beloved.
     Oy, zing, neshome-yeseyre ... 
Oy, zing, neshome-yeseyre ...Oh, sing, Second Soul ...

Source: "Crossing the Shadows" - disk by Joshua Waletzky. Lyrics and translation are copied from the accompanying booklet.