La envenenadora
[The poisoner]
See Lecture: Sephardic Food
Abrisme, cara de Rosa, abrisme la puerta | Open the door for me, Face-of-a-Rose, open the door for me, |
Que de siempre fuites mía cuanto y más ahora. | For you've always been mine, and even more now. |
Abashó, cara de Rosa, y abriole la puerta | Face-of-a-rose came down and opened the door for him, |
Debasho de in rosal verde, pusole la mesa. | Beneath a green rosebush, she set the table. |
Ya comieron, ya bebieron, dormidos se quedan. | They ate, they drank, they fell asleep. |
A eso de la medianoche, malato despierta. | At midnight, he awoke, ill. |
"Qué tienes, y tu, Andarlico? Que t'estas queshando." | "What's the matter, Andarlico, that you moan?" |
"Tengo un dolor en el pecho, me responde al lado." | "I have a pain in my chest, all around my side." |
"No te dé nada, mi Andarlico, yo sabré curarlo. | "Don't worry, my Andarlico. I know how to cure it. |
Te daré gayina en caldo, pichones asados. | "I'll give you chicken soup, roasted pigeons. |
Te daré dinero en bolso, que vayas guardando. | I'll give you money in a purse to save. |
Te daré dinero en mano, que vayas gastando." | I'll give you money in hand, to spend." |
"Despues que matáis al hombre, buscáis a curarlo." | "After you kill a man, you try to cure him." |
Source: Judith Cohen & Eduardo Paniagua - "Canciones de Sefarad": Disk notes