Dak il tas
[Beat the plate]
See related songs below: Quita'l tas [Bring out the plate] and Hazeremos la merenda [We're having a meal]
See lecture: Sephardic Food
Dak il tas, toma'l tas (2) | Beat the plate, take the plate |
Las muchachas meten bas | The little girls play |
En shabat de Hanuká | On the Shabbat of Hanukkah |
Ocho dias de Hanuká | Eight days of Hanukkah, |
Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká. | Light a Hanukkah candle. |
La gallina de la cucina (2) | The chicken in the kitchen (2) |
Dale a gostar a la vicina, | Give it to the neighbour to taste |
Que le seia milicina. | So that it will be a medicine. |
Ocho dias de Hanuká | Eight days of Hanukkah, |
Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká. | Light a Hanukkah candle. |
Mete la carne al tandur (2) | Put the meat in the oven (2) |
Tañeremos un buen santur | We will play a good santur |
En shabat de Hanuká | On the Shabbat of Hanukkah. |
Ocho dias de Hanuká | Eight days of Hanukkah, |
Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká. | Light a Hanukkah candle. |
El vino de la serada (2) | The wine of the evening meal (2) |
Que a mi muncho m'agrada | Is very much to my taste |
A beber en Hanuká. | To drink on Hanukkah. |
Ocho dias de Hanuká | Eight days of Hanukkah, |
Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká. | Light a Hanukkah candle. |
La una kita l'alzeite | One takes the oil |
de un teneke 'asta diez; | from the can, until ten; |
La otra kita l'harina | The other takes the flour |
de un sako 'asta diez | from the sack, until ten; |
Para hacer los burmuelos | To make the burmuelos |
En los dias de Hanuká. | In the days of Hanukkah. |
Ocho dias de Hanuká | Eight days of Hanukkah, |
Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká. | Light a Hanukkah candle. |
Source: Text of a recording of Bienvenida Aguado by Susana Weich-Shahak (2001), in the National Sound Archives.
Quita'l tas [Bring out the plate]
Quita'l tas, mete'l tas, | Bring out the plate, set down the food. |
Las muchachas meten bas, | The girls set the table |
en el mez de Hanuká, | in the month of Hanukkah. |
Suríaremos l'asefá. | Let's meet again. |
Quita la gallina de la cucina, | Bring the chicken from the kitchen, |
Dale'l caldo a la vezina, | Give the soup to the neighbour |
Que la sea melecina | so that the month of Hanukkah |
En el mez de Hanuká, | will be sweet for her. |
Suríaremos l'asefá. | Let's meet again. |
La una quita l'alzeite | One takes the oil |
de un teneque hasta diez; | from the can, ten measures; |
La otra quita la harina | The other takes the flour |
de un saco hasta diez | from the sack, ten measures; |
Para hazer los burmuelos | To make the burmuelos |
En los dias de Hanuká. | in the days of Hanukkah. |
Suríaremos l'asefá. | Let's meet again. |
Source: Yitschak Levy's Antologia, Vol.4, via the disk "Circle of Fire", by Voice of the Turtle.
Hazeremos la merenda [We're having a meal]
Hazeremos una merenda | We're having a (meal) party. |
- A cual hora? - Vo lo dire. | - What time? - I'll tell you. |
Yar aman, enrumé aman. | My love, aman, enrumé aman. |
La una quita l'azeite | One person pours the oil |
de un tenequé, hasta diez, | from the jar, ten measures, |
Yar aman, enrumé aman. | My love, aman, enrumé aman. |
La otra quita l'harina | Another takes the flour |
de un saco hasta diez | from the sack, ten measures, |
Yar aman, enrumé aman. | My love, aman, enrumé aman. |
Para 'zer los burmuelos | In order to make burmuelos |
en los dias de Hanucá. | these days of Hanukkah. |
Yar aman, enrumé aman. | My love, aman, enrumé aman. |
Source: Yitschak Levy's Antologia, Vol.4, via the disk "From the Shores of the Golden Horn", by Voice of the Turtle.