Dak il tas

[Beat the plate] 

See related songs below: Quita'l tas [Bring out the plate] and Hazeremos la merenda [We're having a meal]

See lecture: Sephardic Food

Dak il tas, toma'l tas (2)Beat the plate, take the plate
Las muchachas meten basThe little girls play
En shabat de HanukáOn the Shabbat of Hanukkah
     Ocho dias de Hanuká     Eight days of Hanukkah,
     Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká.     Light a Hanukkah candle.
La gallina de la cucina (2)The chicken in the kitchen (2)
Dale a gostar a la vicina,Give it to the neighbour to taste
Que le seia milicina.So that it will be a medicine.
     Ocho dias de Hanuká     Eight days of Hanukkah,
     Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká.     Light a Hanukkah candle.
Mete la carne al tandur (2)Put the meat in the oven (2)
Tañeremos un buen santurWe will play a good santur
 En shabat de HanukáOn the Shabbat of Hanukkah.
     Ocho dias de Hanuká     Eight days of Hanukkah,
     Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká.     Light a Hanukkah candle.
El vino de la serada (2)The wine of the evening meal (2)
Que a mi muncho m'agradaIs very much to my taste
A beber en Hanuká.To drink on Hanukkah.
     Ocho dias de Hanuká     Eight days of Hanukkah,
     Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká.     Light a Hanukkah candle.
La una kita l'alzeiteOne takes the oil
de un teneke 'asta diez;from the can, until ten;
La otra kita l'harinaThe other takes the flour
de un sako 'asta diezfrom the sack, until ten;
Para hacer los burmuelosTo make the burmuelos
En los dias de Hanuká.In the days of Hanukkah.
     Ocho dias de Hanuká     Eight days of Hanukkah,
     Lehadlik ner shel Hanuká.     Light a Hanukkah candle.

Source: Text of a recording of Bienvenida Aguado by Susana Weich-Shahak (2001), in the National Sound Archives.

Quita'l tas [Bring out the plate]

Quita'l tas, mete'l tas, Bring out the plate, set down the food.
Las muchachas meten bas, The girls set the table
en el mez de Hanuká, in the month of Hanukkah.
Suríaremos l'asefá. Let's meet again.
Quita la gallina de la cucina, Bring the chicken from the kitchen,
Dale'l caldo a la vezina, Give the soup to the neighbour
Que la sea melecina so that the month of Hanukkah
En el mez de Hanuká, will be sweet for her.
Suríaremos l'asefá Let's meet again.
La una quita l'alzeite One takes the oil
de un teneque hasta diez; from the can, ten measures;
La otra quita la harina The other takes the flour
de un saco hasta diez from the sack, ten measures;
Para hazer los burmuelos To make the burmuelos
En los dias de Hanuká. in the days of Hanukkah.
Suríaremos l'asefá. Let's meet again.

Source: Yitschak Levy's Antologia, Vol.4, via the disk "Circle of Fire", by Voice of the Turtle.

 Hazeremos la merenda [We're having a meal]

Hazeremos una merenda We're having a (meal) party.
- A cual hora? - Vo lo dire. - What time? - I'll tell you.
Yar aman, enrumé aman. My love, aman, enrumé aman.
La una quita l'azeite One person pours the oil
de un tenequé, hasta diez, from the jar, ten measures,
Yar aman, enrumé aman. My love, aman, enrumé aman.
La otra quita l'harina Another takes the flour
de un saco hasta diez from the sack, ten measures,
Yar aman, enrumé aman. My love, aman, enrumé aman.
Para 'zer los burmuelos In order to make burmuelos
en los dias de Hanucá. these days of Hanukkah.
Yar aman, enrumé aman. My love, aman, enrumé aman.

Source: Yitschak Levy's Antologia, Vol.4, via the disk "From the Shores of the Golden Horn", by Voice of the Turtle.