Primavera en Salonico

[Spring in Salonica]

See Lectures: "Home" and "The Seasons"

Primavera in salonicoSpringtim in Salonica,
Halli al café MaslumI found at Maslum's cafe,
Una niña de ojos pretosa girl with black eyes
Que canta y sona ud.singing and playing the oud.
No me manques, tu Fortuna,Oh, Fortuna, don't be absent
del cafe de Avram Maslum.from Avram Maslum's cafe.
Tu quitas los muestros dertes,You banish our sorrows
que cantas y sonas ud.when you sing and play the oud.
El ud tomas en la manoYou take the oud in your hand
con gilves y con sacas.with such airs and graces.
Los tus ojos relucientesYour two shining eyes
a mi me hacen quemar.have set me on fire.

Source:  CD by Savina Yannatou: "Primavera en Salonico"