A gut morgn, Feyge-Soshe
[Good morning, Feyge-Soshe]
See lecture: "Ashkenazi Food"
- A gut morgn, Feyge-Soshe, | - Good morning, Feyge-Soshe, |
Vos zitst ir azoy asobene? | Why are you sitting there like that? |
- A gut yor, aykh, Fayve-Yose, | - Good year, Fayve-Yose, |
Vayl s'iz mir udobene. | Because I'm comfortable this way. |
Efsher vilt ir, Fayve-Yose, | Perhaps, Fayve-Yose, |
Farzukhn fun mayn prodovolstvye? | You'd like to try some of my wares? |
A shabesdikn lokshn-kugl - | A Sabbath noodle pudding? |
- S'ara udovolstvye! | - That would be a pleasure! |
Shabes nokhn kugl | On the Sabbath, after the kugl, |
Bin ikh di emese krasavitse, | I'm a real beauty, |
Oysgeputst un ongeton zikh, | All dolled up. |
Kak ya varn naravitsa? | How do you like me? |
- Efsher vilt ir, Feyge-Soshe, | - Perhaps, Feyge-Soshe, |
Mit semetshkes aykh ugozhayeven? | You'd like some sunflower seeds? |
- Vayl bay aykh, Fayve-Yose, | - From you, Fayve-Yose, |
Vel ikh prinimayeven. | I'd like to try some. |
- Efsher vilt ir, Feyge-Soshe, | - Perhaps, Feyge-Soshe, |
Geyn mit mir gulayeven? | You'd like to go for a stroll with me? |
- Vayl mit aykh, Fayve-Yose, | - With you, Fayve-Yose, |
Vel ikh ispolnayeven. | I'd like to do just that. |
Source: Copied from Songs of Generations, by Eleanor and Joseph Mlotek, who write that this is a folksong published by Moishe Beregovski in 1962. Most of the rhyming words are in cultivated Russian.