Zun, Zun, Zang

[Sun, Sun, Song]

by Mordechai Gebirtig

(Translation: Hadassah Haskale)

See lecture: The Seasons 

Zun, zun, zang,  Sun, sun, song
Trogt zikh a gezang.  Wafted along.
Kinderlekh, zayt freylekh haynt,  Children, get up, frolic now,
Tantst un kvelt,  Dance, rejoice!
Friling oyf Gots velt,  In the Springtime of God's world,
Zet, vi lib di zun hot oyfgeshaynt,  See how lovely the sunshine is!
Feld un vald shoyn grint un blit -  Field and woods with green are lit,
Un der foygl zingt mit freyd zayn lid.  And the bird sings blissfully.
Zun, zun, zang,  Sun, sun, song
Trogt zikh a gezang.  Wafted along,
S'ershte friling lib-hartsike lid.  The first song of Spring -
   Heart's awakening.

Source: Leichter, Sinai. Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs. Vol.5: The Mordechai Gebirtig Volume. Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 2000