
[Sending Purim gifts]

Text - M. Rosenfeld;  Music - J. Engel

[See lecture: Purim]

Eyglekh - blitz, un beklekh - flam, Eyes shining and cheeks aflame,
Dos hitl oyf a zayt, Hat to one side
Loyft kleyn Moyshele aheym Little Moyshele runs home
Yontevdik farshmayt. Busily preparing for the holiday.
Er hot shlakhmones ayngekoyft: He has bought two Purim gifts
Tsvey tsukerlekh mit berd Sugared candies with beards
Taybelekh mit federlekh Doves with feathers
A fishl un a ferd. A little fish and a horse.
Gut purim, gut purim, gut purim! Happy Purim, happy Purim, happy Purim!
Gut purim, gut purim, gut purim! Happy Purim, happy Purim, happy Purim!
Plutsling, ersht mayn Khayimkl,  Suddenly, first my Khayimkl 
Di tir hot oyfgemakht:  opened the door: 
A gut Purim, Moyshele,   Happy Purim, Moyshele,
 Shlakhmones dir gebrakht! I've brought Purim gifts for you! 
 Khayiml, mayn khaverl, Khayiml, my friend, 
Ikh hob a fish far dir,  I've got a fish for you, 
Kh'gib dir oykh di feygelekh,  I'm also giving you the birds, 
Nor s'ferdl loz ikh mir!  But the horse is for me! 
Gut purim, gut purim, gut purim!  Happy Purim, happy Purim, happy Purim! 
Gut purim, gut purim, gut purim!  Happy Purim, happy Purim, happy Purim!