

by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman

(Translation: Willy Brill)

See lecture: The Seasons

Ikh shmeykhl mit freyd dem friling antkegnI smile with joy in the face of spring
A shmeykhl farshpreyt iber dekher un vegnA smile spreads over roofs and roads
Un ze nor di erd di kalte vi shteynLook at the ground, cold as stone
Sara vunder mit ir iz geshen ...What a miracle has happened to her ...
Zi hot zikh tseefnt un fun shpaltn afirShe opened up herself
Hot zikh tsefinklt der griner kolirAnd a green glow radiates from every crack
Grezer un blumen, bletelekh kleynGrasses and flowers, leaves so small
Sara vunder mit ir iz geshen ...What a miracle has happened to her ...
Un du un ikh, vi alding arumAnd you and I, like all around us
Frish zikh tseyungt vi di ershte blumRefreshed and young again like the first flower
In dayne oygn kh'hob a finklen derzenI saw the sparkle in your eyes
Sara vunder mit dir iz geshen ...What a miracle has happened to you ...

Source: Friling. Disk by Lucette van den Berg