by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman
(Translation: Willy Brill)
See lecture: The Seasons
Ikh shmeykhl mit freyd dem friling antkegn | I smile with joy in the face of spring |
A shmeykhl farshpreyt iber dekher un vegn | A smile spreads over roofs and roads |
Un ze nor di erd di kalte vi shteyn | Look at the ground, cold as stone |
Sara vunder mit ir iz geshen ... | What a miracle has happened to her ... |
Zi hot zikh tseefnt un fun shpaltn afir | She opened up herself |
Hot zikh tsefinklt der griner kolir | And a green glow radiates from every crack |
Grezer un blumen, bletelekh kleyn | Grasses and flowers, leaves so small |
Sara vunder mit ir iz geshen ... | What a miracle has happened to her ... |
Un du un ikh, vi alding arum | And you and I, like all around us |
Frish zikh tseyungt vi di ershte blum | Refreshed and young again like the first flower |
In dayne oygn kh'hob a finklen derzen | I saw the sparkle in your eyes |
Sara vunder mit dir iz geshen ... | What a miracle has happened to you ... |
Source: Friling. Disk by Lucette van den Berg