A beymele
[A little tree]
Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman
See lecture: Tree of Life
A beymele, a beymele | A little tree, a little tree, |
Hob ikh mir farzetst. | I have planted. |
Gegrobn mit der lopete | I have dug with my spade, |
Mit vaser es banetst. | And watered it. |
Vaksn vet dos beymele | The tree will grow |
Mit ale in a rey, | With all of them in a row, |
Biz se vet dos beymele | Until this little tree |
Vern a boym vi zey. | Will be as big as them all. |
Feygelekh af tsvaygelekh | Birds on the branches |
Zingen "Tri-li-li, | Sing "Tri-li-li, |
Vu geystu, meydele, | Where are you going, little girl, |
Zog nor, vu ahin?" | Tell us, where?" |
"Kloybn vil ikh yagdelekh, | "I'll gather berries, |
Raysn blimelekh, | I'll pick flowers |
Unter mayn kleyn beymele | Under my little tree |
Vil ikh leygn zikh". | I'll lie down." |
Shu-shu-shu un sha-sha-sha | "Shu-shu-shu and sha-sha-sha", |
Redt tsu mir der vald, | Says the forest, |
"Shteyst dervayl nokh, meydele, | In the meantime you're standing |
Mit der lopete in hant". | With a spade in your hand." |
Shu-shu-shu un sha-sha-sha | "Shu-shu-shu and sha-sha-sha", |
Redt tsu mir der vald, | Says the forest, |
"Shteyst dervayl nokh, meydele, | In the meantime you're standing |
Mit der lopete in hant". | With a spade in your hand." |
Source: Schaechter-Gottesmann, Beyle. Fli, mayn flishlang! [Fly, my kite!]. New York, 1999.