A Sudenyu

[A feast] *

[See lecture: Kings and Queens

- Zog zhe, rebenyu!Tell us, dear Rabbi!
Vos vet zayn, as Zeshiakh vet kumen?What will happen when the Messiah comes?
- Az Meshiakh vet kumenWhen the Messiah comes,
veln mir makhn a sudenyu.we will have a feast.
- Vos veln mir esn oyf der sudenyu?- What will we eat at the feast?
- Dem shor habor mitn levyosn,- The Wild Ox and the Leviathan,
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esnWe will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan
oyf der sudenyu!at the feast!
- Vos veln mir trinken oyf der sudenyu?- What will we drink at the feast?
- Dem yayin hamshumer,- The wine preserved [from Creation],
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken,We will drink the preserved wine,
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esnWe will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan
oyf der sudenyu!at the feast!
- Ver vet undz toyre zogn oyf der sudenyu?- Who will explicate the Torah to us at the feast?
- Moyshe rabeynu.- Moses, our Teacher.
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn,Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken, We will drink the preserved wine,
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esnWe will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan
oyf der sudenyu!at the feast!
- Ver vet undz shpiln oyf der sudenyu?- Who will play for us at the feast?
- Dovid hameylekh.- King David.
Dovid hmelekh vet undz shpiln,King David will play for us,
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn,Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us,
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken,We will drink the preserved wine,
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esnWe will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan
oyf der sudenyu!at the feast!
- Ver vet undz khokhme zogn oyf der sudenyu?- Who will say words of wisdom for us at the feast?
- Shloyme hameylekh.- King Solomon.
Shloyme hameylekh vet undz khokhme zogn,King Solomon will say words of wisdom,
Dovid hameylekh vet undz shpiln,King David will play for us,
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn,Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us,
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken,We will drink the preserved wine,
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esnWe will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan
oyf der sudenyu! at the feast!
- Ver vet undz tantsn oyf der sudenyu?- Who will dance for us at the feast?
- Miryam hanevie.- Miriam the Prophetess.
Miryam hanevie vet undz tantsn,Miriam the Prophetess will dance for us,
Shloyme hamelekh vet undz khkhme zogn,King Solomon will say words of wisdom,
Dovid hameylekh vet undz shpiln,King David will play for us,
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn,Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us,
Dem yayin havshumer veln mir trinken,We will drink the preserved wine,
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esnWe will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan
oyf der sudenyu!at the feast!

(Mlotek, Pearls of Yiddish Song, p.170)


See: The Legend of the Leviathan, Jewish Heritage Online Magazine