A Sudenyu
[A feast] * [See lecture: Kings and Queens] | |
- Zog zhe, rebenyu! | Tell us, dear Rabbi! |
Vos vet zayn, as Zeshiakh vet kumen? | What will happen when the Messiah comes? |
- Az Meshiakh vet kumen | When the Messiah comes, |
veln mir makhn a sudenyu. | we will have a feast. |
- Vos veln mir esn oyf der sudenyu? | - What will we eat at the feast? |
- Dem shor habor mitn levyosn, | - The Wild Ox and the Leviathan, |
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esn | We will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan |
oyf der sudenyu! | at the feast! |
- Vos veln mir trinken oyf der sudenyu? | - What will we drink at the feast? |
- Dem yayin hamshumer, | - The wine preserved [from Creation], |
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken, | We will drink the preserved wine, |
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esn | We will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan |
oyf der sudenyu! | at the feast! |
- Ver vet undz toyre zogn oyf der sudenyu? | - Who will explicate the Torah to us at the feast? |
- Moyshe rabeynu. | - Moses, our Teacher. |
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn, | Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us |
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken, | We will drink the preserved wine, |
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esn | We will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan |
oyf der sudenyu! | at the feast! |
- Ver vet undz shpiln oyf der sudenyu? | - Who will play for us at the feast? |
- Dovid hameylekh. | - King David. |
Dovid hmelekh vet undz shpiln, | King David will play for us, |
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn, | Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us, |
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken, | We will drink the preserved wine, |
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esn | We will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan |
oyf der sudenyu! | at the feast! |
- Ver vet undz khokhme zogn oyf der sudenyu? | - Who will say words of wisdom for us at the feast? |
- Shloyme hameylekh. | - King Solomon. |
Shloyme hameylekh vet undz khokhme zogn, | King Solomon will say words of wisdom, |
Dovid hameylekh vet undz shpiln, | King David will play for us, |
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn, | Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us, |
Dem yayin hamshumer veln mir trinken, | We will drink the preserved wine, |
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esn | We will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan |
oyf der sudenyu! | at the feast! |
- Ver vet undz tantsn oyf der sudenyu? | - Who will dance for us at the feast? |
- Miryam hanevie. | - Miriam the Prophetess. |
Miryam hanevie vet undz tantsn, | Miriam the Prophetess will dance for us, |
Shloyme hamelekh vet undz khkhme zogn, | King Solomon will say words of wisdom, |
Dovid hameylekh vet undz shpiln, | King David will play for us, |
Moyshe rabeynu vet undz toyre zogn, | Moses our Teacher will explicate the Torah for us, |
Dem yayin havshumer veln mir trinken, | We will drink the preserved wine, |
Dem shor habor mitn levyosn veln mir esn | We will eat the Wild Ox and the Leviathan |
oyf der sudenyu! | at the feast! |
(Mlotek, Pearls of Yiddish Song, p.170)
See: The Legend of the Leviathan, Jewish Heritage Online Magazine